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FAQ's: Frequently Asked Questions

Library Logistics

What are the Library hours?

How do I locate a book?

How long can I check out materials?

What can I do if the book is already checked out?

If the library doesn't own this, can you get it for me?

Can I connect to the Library if I'm not at West Point? (Remote Access)

Library Locations

Where are the copiers?

Where are the DVDs?

Where are the bestsellers?

Where are the mezzanines?

Where is a good place to study?

What is...?


What is SPEC?

What is a primary source?

What is a periodical?

What is a scholarly article?


How do I find a scholarly journal/magazine article?

How do I find my ancestor’s military record?

How do I find an article?

How do I find a government document, i.e, a primary source?

How To

How do I print from my laptop?