The Communication Studio

Corporate Staff Services

CitiBank CitiVision

In late 1986 Citibank decided to deliver corporate services to the bank's employees via their desktop computers and a series of standalone information kiosks located in common lobby areas.

The Value Proposition






Desktop Employee Services

We worked closely with Citibank's Corporate Staff Services group to develop their internal staff information system, which was unveiled in February of 1987.

Citibank wanted to provide desktop access to a range of internal employee services:

  • Bulletin Board
  • Online Training
  • Employee Events
  • Internal Communications
  • Corporate Calendar


Productivity Tools and Training

We licensed our TCS Textup Context Management System to CitiBank to use as the primary production utility for this multi-client internal portal.

We set up, trained and supported Citibank personnel so that they could maintain the information system themselves:

  • technical consultation on a variety of issues
  • training in the use of TextUp
  • templates and clip art for the management of the screen production process