Welcome to Human Resources
[Head of HR]
Hedda Aitchar
Director of Human Resources
Our Mission Statement
Human Resources will take a leadership role and provide service in support of the Company by promoting the concept that our employees are our most valuable resources and will be treated as such.

We will establish, in collaboration with others, the optimal work environment for obtaining sustained high productivity, continuous improvement and organizational renewal.

We will ensure a competitive salary and benefit package and develop the full potential of our workforce by providing training and development for career enhancement.

Our mission is also to create and maintain the goodwill of the community through our leadership, expertise and outreach programs in support of community goals.
HR: Benefits, Health & Career
Employee Self-Service How you can self-serve by filling in forms on-line. Overview of the Forms and Flyers available .
Benefits Description and brief Overview of Benefits, access to the Allied Holiday Schedule.
Job Opportunities How many jobs available today; How easy iti is to apply on-line; Allied support for the process ...
Who's Who in HR Personnel Directory, Ease of use, etc.; Feature a particular individual and the service they provide ...
Looking to Learn? The Training tabfolder lists all of the Professional Development, Systems Training and Workplace Training courses that are available through Allied NA.
Did You Know? There's a new benefit ... or You can self-service your own records .... or some other interesting point that can be featured here...